FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 18, 2020, Lawrenceville, Ga. – During this time in our nation’s history, the public has re-examined the role of police in our communities. We at Gwinnett SToPP have been calling for an end to overly harsh and ineffective discipline at Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) since our founding in 2008. It […]
Category Archives: News
Meet Isaiah
Meet Isaiah T., one of our summer interns. Isaiah is a recent graduate from Grayson High School, and will attend Georgia Tech in the coming Fall. We look forward to Isaiah adding a more youthful perspective to the organization. I will be majoring in Aerospace Engineering and minoring in Public Policy, an uncanny combination; I […]
Meet Amina
Meet Amina B, one of our summer interns. Amina is a Junior Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies major at Georgia State, driven to create systemic and communal changes from an intersectional approach. She began her journey in high school where she attended Meadowcreek High School and was made aware of the various challenges students face […]
SROs Have Got To Go!
Our children have a very different school experience than most of us growing up. When we acted up, we were sent to the principal’s office—now they can be arrested. Police in schools have changed that dynamic to the point of trauma. Sure, maybe the concept of police in schools is well-intentioned. When children are gunned […]
School Code of Conduct Committee Update
School Code of Conduct Committee Update A committee of GCPS staff and community members formed in January 2020 to perform a comprehensive review of the Student Conduct Behavior Code, and the operational practices associated with implementing the policy. However, the committee was given a deadline of April 1 to address the policies and practices related […]
Action Alert!
A C T I O N A L E R T ! ! ! No one should be surprised that U.S. Department of Education wants to eliminate critical data from the 2019-2020 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) that school systems are required to report such as: Pre-school suspension details (yes, pre-schoolers are suspended!) Number of […]
2019 Week of Action
We are doing it again!! This October we are looking forward to the 10th anniversary of the Dignity in Schools Campaign (DSC) National Week of Action (WoA)! As a member of DSC, Gwinnett SToPP will again host a local WoA event. The theme this year is “Educate Students Stop Arrests” which is play on […]
Green Light!
School’s out, but we are hard at work preparing for Year Two of our ending the school to prison pipeline project in partnership with the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities. That’s right! We have been given the green light to move forward to the training phase of this coalition-building effort. The second activity of this […]
Gwinnett SToPP Parent Leadership Institute Alum Revives League of Women Voters of Gwinnett County
Gwinnett County has been without a League of Women Voters chapter for about 5 years, but Stephanie Wright is eager to change that. After spending two years managing an Indivisible group in Duluth and coordinating several candidate forums throughout Gwinnett County (including two school board forums with Gwinnett SToPP) Stephanie has decided to focus on […]
Do the Harder Work–Create Cultures of Connectedness in Schools
On December 5, 2018, the Communities for Just Schools Fund (CJSF) released “Do the Harder Work–Create Cultures of Connectedness in Schools,” a report responding to the proceedings of the Federal Commission on School Safety and calls to “harden” schools. The Commission was appointed after the Parkland tragedy to make “meaningful and actionable recommendations to keep students safe […]