SELF: Toyasha Vaughn
Toyasha Vaughn, 2014 Parent Leadership Institute graduate has been hard at work in Gwinnett County establishing an empowerment program for girls called S.E.L.F. (Self-Determination, Empowerment, Love Freedom).
Ivy Preparatory Academy at Kirkwood, a gender-focused charter school, partnered with Toyasha to implement Professional Development Wednesday. She provided age-appropriate workshops with the entire student body focused on goal setting. The girls learned the value of having goals, what realistic goals look like and how to set goals. She keeps the program fun and engaging by presenting information through technology, music, art and imagination.
During the day, Toyasha keeps a busy schedule serving DeKalb County as an economic development project manager and caring for two active daughters. Despite her pace, she values every opportunity to give back to her community.
Toyasha developed this program out of a crucial need to develop and grow healthy girls and is actively searching for partnership opportunities to establish a pilot program. She sees S.E.L.F. as a powerful tool where girls can develop awareness, build resilience and increase capacity. If you are interested in having her come into your school to do a presentation, please contact us at info@selfdoubelieve.com.