What is the STPP? | Police in Schools | Class/Race Discrimination | Alternative Schools | Juvenile/Criminal Justice |
100What is the School To Prison Pipeline?
It is a national trend. Through policies and practices, children are funneled out of their regular education setting and into alternative schools, the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
100What is the history of police in schools?
Large grants for funding drug free schools was one of the first opportunities for law enforcement to be on school campuses on a regular basis (outside of forced integration of schools during the Civil Rights Movement).
100What characteristics make a student more likely to receive harsh discipline practices?
Recipients of SpEd services or Free and Reduced Lunch share this.
100What is the percentage of students of color attending the GIVE West school in 2013?
83% of all students found there will fit this description.
100What is due process and fair treatment?
Cases Kent vs. United States in 1966 and In re Gault in 1967 established these basic rights in court for youth.
200What are some of the causes of the School To Prison Pipeline
High stakes testing, overly punitive discipline, police in schools, zero tolerance policies.
200What are school resource officers?
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, their number increased 38% between 1997 and 2007
200What is the punishment gap?
One study found that schools meted out longer suspensions to students who performed poorly on standardized tests than to high-performing students for similar offenses.
200What are disciplinary alternative programs?
The state of Georgia categorizes and assesses them the same as the Fernbank science program.
200What is the "war on drugs”?
Nationally, in 1980, black and white youth were arrested for drug offenses at approximately the same rate. After "this declaration, in the mid 1980's, black youth were being arrested at nearly 5 times the rate of white youth, even though their levels of drug use were about the same.
300Who does the School To Prison Pipeline impact most?
Children of color, vulnerable children, students with learning disabilities, or histories of poverty, abuse, or neglect.
300What are the effects of police in schools?
A three-year study of numerous schools in the same district found that schools with police had nearly five times the number of arrests for disorderly conduct as schools without a police presence. A first-time arrest doubles the odds that a student will drop out of high school.
300What are students with disabilities?
They represent approximately 10% of the student population yet account for twice that in the discipline rates.
300What are two of the state's 78 lowest performing public schools?
Ironically, Give Center East and Give Center West are seen as a model alternative school in the state
300What is "Tough on crime" and "war on drugs"?
These two approaches have resulted in many youth being sent directly to adult prisons and receiving much longer sentencing.
400What is are the effects of School To Prison Pipeline?
Creates a hostile school environment with students distrustful of school officials/personnel; criminal records for students, along with the collateral consequences; and poor academic performance. There is also an economical and emotional impact on communities and families.
400What is a quota?
In 2010, Gwinnett County Public Schools’ SRO’s set theirs to six calls per officer/day.
400What is disparate treatment?
Black students are much more likely to be referred for fighting and low-level battery and assault than for other types of offenses. Meanwhile, white students were more likely to be referred to juvenile court for drug possession offenses. This could show that Black students are getting higher level consequences for typical schoolyard scuffles
400Who is Jonathon King?
This 14 year old student committed suicide in one of Georgia's 26 psycho-educational alternative schools after being placed in a concrete timeout room.]
400What is the juvenile Code Reform?
In 2013 this measure was passed and signed by Governor Deal.
500Who is Salecia Johnson?
She is a 6 yr. old, black American, Creekside Elementary kindergarten student in Milledgeville, Georgia who was handcuffed and arrested for throwing a temper tantrum at school.
500What is disparate treatment?
Black students are much more likely to be referred for fighting and low-level battery and assault than for other types of offenses. Meanwhile, white students were more likely to be referred to juvenile court for drug possession offenses. This could show that Black students are getting higher level consequences for typical schoolyard scuffles.
500Who is Gwinnett SToPP?
They filed a U.S. Department Office for Civil Rights discrimination complaint against Gwinnett County Public Schools regarding its Investing in Educational Excellence Partnership (IE2) contract. The coalition contends that the IE2 contract is discriminatory against Students with Disabilities, English Language Learners (ELL), and students according to race and national origin.
500What is the percentage of students with disabilities sent to the GIVE Centers in 2013 and the percentage of students with disabilities in Gwinnett County Public Schools
26% and 11%.of all students meet this criteria.
500What is the 1994 “Crime Bill”?
This historic bill ushered in
• $10.5 billion for new prison construction over five years and $2 million to build more boot camp programs;
• youth as young as 13 can be tried as adults;
• "three strikes" throughout the U.S;
• and provided for an offender with one prior "violent" or "serious" felony, and if convicted again, then current sentence is to be twice the term normally sentenced for each felony.
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